DAOhaus Connect

DAOhaus Connect on npm

DAOhaus Connect is our first feature library. Our feature libraries are a step beyond our component library, and either include additional functionality or leverage the DAO Data SDK to create "smart components." DAOhaus Connect provides a drop-in component for handling wallet connection, and includes additional functionality such as notifying users of unsupported networks, and switching networks.

This package is used throughout our applications and is designed to be leveraged by the larger DAOhaus community as a portal into the DAOhaus ecosystem.


You can bring DAOhaus Connect into your own app by installing with npm or yarn:

npm install @daohaus/daohaus-connect-feature
# yarn
yarn add @daohaus/daohaus-connect-feature

If you're using this from inside the monorepo, you can import directly from the package such as import { HausConnectProvider } from '@daohaus/daohaus-connect-feature';.


DAOhaus Connect provides drop-in functionality and utilities for handling wallet connection and associated functionlity such as working with the connected user's address, managing network configuration, and handling supported/unsupported networks.

This is a React package and it works within React apps.

HausConnectProvider Context Provider

Start by importing the HausConnectProvider component from the @daohaus/daohaus-connect-feature package at your app's root component, such as main.tsx:

// main.tsx

import { HausConnectProvider } from '@daohaus/daohaus-connect-feature'

Once imported you can use wrap your app with it as you would any other Context Provider:

// main.tsx

          <App />

Core Utilities

DAOhaus Connect exposes several useful tools and UI components that can be leveraged. You can access these by importing useHausConnect from DAOhas Connect:

import { useHausConnect } from '@daohaus/daohaus-connect-feature'

Once this is imported, you can destructure out additional tools:

Connect Wallet

const { connectWallet } = useHausConnect()

This can then be passed into any Button with an onClick handler:

<Button onClick={connectWallet} sm type="button">

User State

There are several helpers that can be used to determine the state of the connected user. You can destructure these from useHausConnect:

const { isConnected, isProfileLoading } = useHausConnect()

These can be used to conditionally render UI based on the state of the connected user, such as in this example:

  if (!isConnected) {
    return <ConnectWalletButton isSm={isSm} />;
  if (isProfileLoading) {
    return <LoadingButton isSm={isSm} />;
  return <UserConnectedDropdown isSm={isSm} />;

Getting a User's Address

Once a user is connected, you can access their address by destructuring useHausConnect:

const { address } = useHausConnect()

Provider and Chain Information

You're also able to access the provider and chain information by destructuring useHausConnect:

const { provider, chainId } = useHausConnect()

This can then be used with other tools such as TxBuilder:

<TXBuilder provider={provider} chainId={chainId} appState={{}}>
  // Your components

Switching Networks

Once a user is connected, you can access the switchNetwork function by destructuring useHausConnect:

const { switchNetwork } = useHausConnect()

Using the UI Components

In addition to the helper utilities, DAOhaus Connect includes UI components that leverage the functionality included in the helpers.

These can be imported from DAOhaus Connect.


import { DaoHausNav } from '@daohaus/daohaus-connect-feature'

Once imported, you can then use them in your app:

  <DaoHausNav />


DAOhaus Connect also exports a more cohesive <HausLayout/> component that includes the <DaoHausNav/> as well as additional layout components:

import { HausLayout } from '@daohaus/daohaus-connect-feature'

<HausLayout/> can be customized by passing in additional props, such as the navLinks:

  navLinks={[{ label: 'Home', href: '/'` }]}
  <YourApp /> // any other components that are needed

This component contains additional props, and this entire component can be passed into other modular DAOhaus Components such as <TxBuilder/>. Let's look at this pattern that's used in the DAOhaus Core app.

  appState={{ dao }}
      { label: 'Home', href: `/${address}` },
      { label: 'DAO', href: `/molochv3/${daochain}/${daoid}` },
        label: 'Proposals',
        href: `/molochv3/${daochain}/${daoid}/proposals`,

      { label: 'Safes', href: `/molochv3/${daochain}/${daoid}/safes` },
        label: 'Members',
        href: `/molochv3/${daochain}/${daoid}/members`,
        label: 'Settings',
        href: `/molochv3/${daochain}/${daoid}/settings`,
    <Outlet />

This example demonstrates how the <HausLayout/> component can be passed into the <TxBuilder/> as a child and how optional props can be passed in to <HausLayout/> to customize the navigation and dropdown links.

HausLayout with DaoHausNav

The links that are passed into the navLinks prop are used to conditionally render the <DaoHausNav/> component. The links that are passed into the dropdownLinks prop are used to conditionally render the dropdown links.