Common Utilities

Common utilities are helpers used throughout the different libraries. They are divided into Constants, Content, Types and Utils.


Constants are the variables that never change. They include chainData, contracts, endpoints, posterTags and proposals.


Content includes the information contained in the app's form and the tooltip info.


Common types are used across all apps. They include contract, general, keychains, legoTypes and react.


Utilities are functions you can pull into your app to accomplish all kinds of common actions, such as:

  • dates allow you to format dates and periods
  • encoding helps encode values and functions and get a nonce
  • explorer allows you to generate links to block explorers
  • formatting help you trunctate addresses, set character limits, handle plural nouns, and convert from Wei
  • general allows you to calculate voting power percentage and convert to now in seconds
  • gnosis helps you generate a link to a Gnosis safe
  • object allows you to omit an object and fields
  • time helps you with a conversion object and functions to convert to seconds and format periods
  • typeguards allows you to validate types with functions
  • units helps you with functions, types, interfaces and contstants
  • validation allows you to validate fields and error messages