
Imports the types Keychain, NetworkType, and ValidNetwork from the ../types module. Also imports the isString function from the ../utils module.

The code then defines a constant called VALID_NETWORKS, which is an object containing various network IDs as properties.

Next, the code defines a function called isValidNetwork, which takes two arguments. The first argument is a string, and the second is an optional Keychain object. The function returns true if the string is a valid network ID, and false if it is not.

The code then defines a constant called NETWORK_DATA, which is a Keychain object containing information about various networks.

The code then defines a function called getNetwork, which takes a chainId string as an argument. The function returns the NetworkType object for the specified chainId, or null if the chainId is not a valid network ID.

The code then defines a function called getNetworkName, which takes a chainId string as an argument. The function returns the name of the network for the specified chainId.

The code adds a keychain to a property in a network list.


  • networkData: Keychain<NetworkType>


  • isValidNetwork
  • getNetwork
  • getNetworkName
  • addKeychain
  • extractKeychain