
Exports types that can be used to type other values. The first type, Noun, is a type that describes a singular and plural form of a word. The second type, ArbitraryState, is a type that describes an object with any number of key-value pairs. The third type, RequireAtLeastOne, is a type that describes an object that must have at least one of the specified keys. The fourth type, RequireOnlyOne, is a type that describes an object that must have exactly one of the specified keys. The fifth type, EthAddress, is a type that describes an Ethereum address. The sixth and final type, ValueOf, is a utility type that gets the value of a given type.


  • Noun
  • ArbitraryState
  • RequireAtLeastOne<T, Keys extends keyof T = keyof T>
  • RequireOnlyOne<T, Keys extends keyof T = keyof T>
  • EthAddress
  • ValueOf<T>